Tommy Ton's iconic street style photographs bring us the latest trends on the fashion scene by the ones who do it best. 2011 is coming to a close, and Tommy has wrapped it all up neatly in a list of the year's best. From personal style to the best bags and trends, it's all here for us to feast our eyes upon. Enjoy!
Look of the season: Shala Monroque
Biggest trend of the year: Color
Best runway to reality moment: Ulyana Sergeenko veiled in head to toe Louis Vuitton
Best bag: Fendi Silvana
The next street style star: Liz Cabral
Best clutch: Christopher Kane
Best sense of color: Elisa Nalin

Best post-baby comback: Lauren Santo Domingo in Armani Privé suit

Most surprising trend: The sneaker
Best reason to work on your fitness: Hanneli Mustaparta in Vika Gazinskaya and miu miu collar
Best dressed off duty model: Hanne Gaby Odiele
Best over the top accessories: Kate Lanphear
Best signature pose: Natalie Joos
The other biggest trend of the year: Prints

Most sought ofter subject: Ursina Gysi